Welcome to Kaji Date Scroll, an HTML and Windows Vista Gadget
I started work on this when I found myself interested in creating a Vista gadget. Turns out they are just html pages.
So I created my hello world gadget and it was good.
Being interested in Japanese I thought about a simple clock that displayed Kaji (Japanese) characters for the time.
After that worked I created animated GIFs of the characters stroke orders, but when the page loaded all the characters started drawing at once. Then I hit on the idea of creating a queuing system, where as an when a new character is required a request is added to the queue. This queue is processed periodically and draws only the lasts stroke for the latest character.
works rather well I think, click to shrink
It is worth noting that the Japanese are unlikey to actually use this format, prefering romanised numerals such as 2007/07/30, I cheated and used what I thought would look and fit best. From watching the seconds tick by you should be able to work out all the other numbers on the clock, the characters that are not numbers are Thousand, Year, Month, Day and the lowercase "o" is just a seperator.
As with most of my stuff this is provided as is to do with as you will (code and graphics).
I do not have Vista to check this on so please use at your own risk.
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight |
Nine | Ten | Day | Month | Thousand | Year | Zero | Seperator |
Some characters have more than one meaning. e.g. Day/Sun, Month/Moon
In fact I'm not responsible for anything ever, so there!
This page is by me for me, if you are not me then please be aware of the following
I am not responsible for anything that works or does not work including files and pages made available at www.jumpstation.co.uk
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