
just another web log

29 Sep 2022:
all cyber arrows point to tattoo

And now time for something completely different!

I got a Tattoo!

Designed in Inkscape

tattoo design in inkscape

I wanted a geometric cyber arrow to go on my arm.

A photo of my arm and some Photoshopping with Gimp and I had all my favourite colours, with and without outlines.

Tattoo design superimposed on to a photo of my arm

I sent my final choice to the tattoo artist (aquamarine) and set up the appointment.

On the day the artist had prepared my geometric design with a gradient and it looked awesome!

They transferred the outline via a print out to get positioning and confirming size and got to work.

photo or tattoo lining done

Things were going well up to this point and there was minimum pain. However I had forgotten to breath. Had to lie down on the chair with my feet in the air and then go and eat and drink.

Apparently it is quite common and not necessarily to do with pain or fear, just adrenaline.

Back on course and she filled in the rest without issue. There was one area on my left that was about 10% of the total tattoo were I did find it uncomfortable, but nothing I couldn't handle!

What do you do with a new tattoo?

Wrap it in cling-film of course.

Photo of tattoo wrapped in cling-film

There were lots of care instructions, which I was not expecting.

A couple of days later and the swelling had gone down and the crusting started. Must not pick

photo close up of tattoo crusting over

Two months later and I need to go back and get a touch-up (which was included in the original price)

You can see the areas with very little ink in red and better but not perfect areas in orange.

Photo of tattoo highlighting areas for ink touch-up

No, I don't want any more and Yes I love it!

Everyday I see it on my arm and it makes me smile!

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