
just another web log
28 Jul 2005 20:11 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Email spam is back with a vengeance, my previous quote of 20,000 should have been 2,000 in 10 days, well as things are going at the moment I am getting (over the last two days) 250 spams a day, most undeliverable with my domain name as the forged source.
Still with a little help from KMail I created 5 new rules and that got rid of 550+

25 Jul 2005 21:19 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
The new website is coming along nicely, maybe I should have set my sights a bit lower than 17 pages of content.
I am so used to filling page with code ...
Still its not ready yet, be patient.

24 Jul 2005 19:38 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
46 72 69 6E 6B 72 75 6C 65 73 21
F r i n k r u l e s !
Now the real question is why did I only translates this after seeing that episode 20 times before ?

20 Jul 2005 22:13 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
http://www.jumpstation.co.uk/soduok/so-du-ok.html is now at version 2.2 and I am quite happy it is finished and has nicely sanded edges.

19 Jul 2005 21:51 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
have now added HYPERSOLVE functionality (i.e. it does not check things that are obvious) and will be released soon, I have some other tidying to do.
Finished reading "Salem's Lot" by Steven King, good but not amazing and not what I expected after seeing one of the characters in the Dark Tower series, but it fits well with the DT series, maybe to well ?

19 Jul 2005 20:14 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
As well as writing my so-duko solver I have been backing up all my CDs from 1997, in total there were 62 that were backed up successfully and 10 that failed.
All but one of the failed CDs had a home made CD label which seemed to have forced the CD in to a concave shape.
Remember backup more often than every 8 years !

19 Jul 2005 19:36 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Its OVER ! the close to 20,000 spams I had received over the last 10 days.
Some email harvesting bot noticed that there were more than 10 email addresses at jumpstation.co.uk and decided to set the return address on a load of the messages it sent to RANDOMLETTERS@jumpstation.co.uk.
that was on top of my usual spam, I now have a black list a gray list and a white list for emails ...
Completed http://www.darwinia.co.uk well worth the money, thoroughly enjoyed it !

18 Jul 2005 21:48 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Rereleased under GPL

17 Jul 2005 17:29 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
The so-duko solver is released http://www.jumpstation.co.uk/soduok/so-du-ok.html gave apon its glory !
hmmm, well at least thats over !

17 Jul 2005 12:21 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Congratulations to Dom and Z on there wedding yesterday ! (great food!)
I will release the So-Duko solver (that does not solve) later today.

16 Jul 2005 12:32 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
I think I am at the last level of http://www.darwinia.co.uk and it has been well worth the £20 I spent on it!
today I have created a little warning sign for work with sodipodi SVG editor.
I watched "ICHI the killer" anime DVD I got cheap, it is disturbing and I would not recommend it, seems to be shock and horror just for the sake of it, included on the 45min DVD is a preview for a live action version, now that looks interesting.
In other DVD news I finished watching "Hack//SIGN" vol 1, set in an online virtual world things are going wrong for someone who can not log off, very good I will look out at leas the rest of SIGN.
The "Hack" series is not confined to one story and I may try some of the other once I get through these.
The current book I am reading is "Salem's lot" by Steven King, very good read even though I know the ending, funny thing is near the end of the book there is a reference to gunslinger ...

11 Jul 2005 23:06 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Speak of things that take my time, my spam levels have gone from 100 spam a day to over 200, at least my filtering technics seem to be working ;)
I had a problem with KMAIL not working after a
apt-get dist-upgrade
it did not run and gave me a SIG SEV but I found I could downloaded the older .DEB files from http://debian.org and then run
dpkg -i force-downgrade kdelibs_3.3.2-6.1_all.deb kdelibs-bin_3.3.2-6.1_i386.deb kdelibs4_3.3.2-6.1_i386.deb
which fixed it, pity the proscribed
apt-get install kdelibs=4:3.3.2-6.1 kdelibs-bin=4:3.3.2-6.1 kdelibs4=4:3.3.2-6.1
did not work, but I am not sure why not.

11 Jul 2005 21:40 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
http://www.darwinia.co.uk took my weekend away !

11 Jul 2005 21:40 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Phase two is complete I will now neaten the code and the page before publishing.
I saw the amazing http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405821/ (http://www.casshern.com) an epic Japanese film born of anime and manga.
It comes across as a sort of futuristic opera, no with singing but with the strength of message, about what is important in life and how war never solves anything, plus a few other things.
The visuals are stunning with a mix of styles utilising CGI and live action and the sound track is so good I just ordered it from http://www.otaku.co.uk for more than I paid for the special edition DVD !

5 Jul 2005 22:24 -- no distributed network project statistics for the mo
The Sodoku javascript solver is going well, it now does basic solving no problem I just need to add in phase two and neaten before I submit it to the coding challenge from linuxformat.com
Dark Tower has NOT been replaced, so I am reading Salem's Lot another Steven King that is mentioned in the Dark tower books.
The openGL is on hold until I find some time and the same goes for the secret website.



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