The f-log archive
Year 2023 summary
January 2023 Learn the hard way that drives do sometimes fail, pretty graphs looking at 2022 flogging
February 2023 Bought a car that was then witheld due to ransomware, found somewhere else to live, flogging saves my wifi
March 2023 Google says I need moar chrome, getting my claws into autoresponding emails, spammers try it in reverse.
April 2023 How not to automate Python in blender, how to automate Python in blender :D
May 2023 Erm, nothing to see here
June 2023 nada / the blip
July 2023 Grubbing around with case sensitive EFI, fight with the stupidity of VirtualBox users, 3D printing name plates and printer attachments, doing the jitter bug in the Dungeon
August 2023 Using sed with a vengance, unencode encoded symbols
September 2023 Moved house and threw axes
October 2023 Evangelion in the cinema, not my PC fix, power cable missing, power button falls off, copy with xargs, lusha wants your first born, screen mirror and record your phone
November 2023 Spend far too long trying to deal with Hertz to find out Hertz does not know it has a 247 division.
December 2023 Copying files off your phone via adb, Eolia hands down in VR, giggle worthy spam, Hertz agrees to pay me, got scammed and refund, updated some old repos, email disector for claws
Year 2022 summary
January 2022 New home needed a tiny work area, say hello to my standing desk (dusty) and the yearly review gains graphs
February 2022 a ton of subscribers, Blender for 3d Printing, 3D text slicing, a cool USB cable adaptor, D&D, new job, no more windows and OctoPrint
March 2022 Switch to markdown based Flog editing and fail to download the *latest* Blender ;)
April 2022 Wifi issues require digging myself a number of rabbit holes, switch dnet stats to FoldingAtHome, OctoPrint Docker container, highlighting in Node, printing coin holders, printing various sized *monks*, Shar game gets a *little* love.
May 2022 PSA on pills and capsules, bogofilter sqlite splunking, fighting git diff for carriage returns
June 2022 Designing and 3D printer a dragon dice head
July 2022 Hottest day *ever*! BMW spam? designing and 3D printing a dice tower
August 2022 No more developer mode for my Pixel
September 2022 I get my Tattoo on my arm and *barely* survive :D
October 2022 Neon Genesis Evangelion is not what you think it is
November 2022 Stylised ankylosaurus 3D print, hacking an Escape Room, Ancient Dungeon VR and climbing on a chair, Chrome bug and I am a Teapot
December 2022 A simple M.2 SSD drive swap creates a few *little* challenges :#
Year 2021 summary
January 2021 The cat and I play a lot of Halflife:Alyx, The Blu and Superhot VR. Find life for an old All-in-1 PC as an extra display (for skulls).
February 2021 A little database itegrity, doing the impossible with a new Raspberry Pico and a really nice skull sculpt
March 2021 Automated skull sculpt Python automation, trying to beat my kids at Beat Sabre, Sun popping Vim commands and we got an Oculus Quest 2!
April 2021 Floating about the ISS to avoid VR motion sickness. A new addition to the family, a 3D printer. Oh the fun to be had with a 3D printer and a novice.
May 2021 Pico Blender Doorbell mega explainer, 1 hour scam call, problems with a benchy, then a nice benchy. Finally the advert rendered animation for the Pico Doorbell Blender, done in Blender.
June 2021 ERROR: NO CONTENT FOUND. "Please insert girder"
July 2021 Mental break down ...
August 2021 Creating VR hedgehogs in Blender and viewing them via Godot development on the Quest 2. Some fun with VR graffiti and then more fun trying to copy screenshots off the Quest 2
September 2021 Technical support for Windows and Mac. Tricking the Quest software when it sees a gaming laptop. Blender in VR. No petrol and *that* day.
October 2021 WSL2 defeated. Godot VR Blender meshes. Cracking the Myst with a bit of Python. Deep VR graffiti file investigation
November 2021 Tooth pulled, room got flooded and served notice (in various domains)
December 2021 Gentoo WiFi from offline file fun
Year 2020 summary
January 2020 New car, Xmas in the pool, logo.nologo, Apple hate, shark server, really hate Apple!
February 2020 Month late yearly review, Blender benchmarking fight, activating DVD for Simpsons watching, mad imagemagick skills searching for the true blue, opps, another cream egg incident, Snow ball(mic) fight
March 2020 PI VR revival, rebuilding the toilet roll security camera, dropbox API and unicode ON, mounting a dd disk image, a GIMP tutorial, Blender cursive writting tutorial video and avoiding audio clip
April 2020 Recovering from the Corona virus :(, FoldingAtHome for Gentoo, rolling my own Javasript animation routines, shark tiles CSS, GitHub pages automation script and stopping Pi blanking.
May 2020 Geany IDE, Halflife:Alyx in VR !!, Worst NodeJS slideshow evar, fight to the death with Unreal Engine, Created a complete VR game called BonkIt, helped kids create basket ball VR game.
June 2020 More Halflife:Alyx, deep dive into Google APIs automation of Gmail and Docs, breathing life into the Joggler, fun with soldering my own VGA adaptor for Pi to SV-3 connectivity and scripting the update of Blender versions.
July 2020 Flog encoding and error counting, SV-3 Pi VGA digging, Bank manager for a Scammers, a powercut and a mistake and a broken PSU, PI Zero-ing the Toilet roll security camera.
August 2020 Not much, just Polymorphing the Pi zero security camera into a new housing.
September 2020 Creating nearly unlimited memory for Blender, because, you know, Linux ROCKS!
October 2020 Teaching unit testing to Pythoniers, regular expressions to parse unit test results in COLOUR and we get a new kitchen.
November 2020 After 30+ years I finally have my Maths and English functional skills, Windows scam notifications, security headache from Netgear.
December 2020 RIP Minkey, a melting mouse, Ori 2 and Ori 1 played to 100%, Amazon Prime kicks me with the small print, Currys kicks Amazon for the controller win!, Skull sculpt 1, a new mouse and the problems that incurs, gnuplot graphing Blender render times and jigggly hair that created that animation.
Year 2019 summary
January 2019 Too dirty and not dirty enough Raspberry Pi
February 2019 Little bit of Skydiving, new phone, Pi+SV-3{VGA}, High on Potter and a bit of spam
March 2019 MicroBit, Blender random logic gates, hacking on someone else's GitHub thermal printer and nmap fights virtualbox
April 2019 Setting up motes, toilet cam motes, git fix submission and VR update madness
May 2019 FFMpeg master class, blender meta data display and ubuntu is Windows now?
June 2019 FFMpeg blind devotion to grids and oioiiooixiii deep dive
July 2019 Anagram Shark Attack rears it's head, personalising GitHub, Pi VR resurrected and now dissected and adding multimedia keys
August 2019 Animated SVG Shark components, Super Hot x3, HDMI weirdness, Windows takeover, Minesweeper EXTREME!!
September 2019 Javascript name, Engage the Multiverse for WSL, new debugging requires debuggging, sed case, blending under the skin, cron reboot powercut
October 2019 The sharks can see the lighttpd and the EGX experience
November 2019 Simple Windows upgrade (NOT!), more bad Apples, Gentoo build and UEFI battles, sound in virtualbox - it's not my fault!
December 2019 Sound in VM resolved, stats, Blender stats, gnuplot stats,
Year 2018 summary
January 2018 Scripting Blender, Jet Set Radio, companion cube challenge and a late Christmas
February 2018 A bit of serious sickness, Blender frame oops and I cannot 3D print
March 2018 Pi Super computer and Pi spoof video, basically a lot of Pi
April 2018 Cannot read colour coded PiBow, Car smash, metroid with a giant controller and Pi blueprints
May 2018 Slow rendering invites Invaders and Apple causes me to blow a gasket
June 2018 Stuff and youtube nonsense in the Savannah
July 2018 Rendering rendering and more rendering plus ping and a popular Superman video. How many hours in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild?
August 2018 Dropping and bending Pi boards, not to mention, Dali started and sticky mouse situation
September 2018 Dali complete, company hacked(sort of) and blueprints redone to my satisfaction. Why were the kids trying to burn the house down?
October 2018 Using linux to hack Windows email spam attachements and reviewing BMW and 3D trademark/copyrights
November 2018 Pi project and video finally go live and show off some Blender physics
December 2018 Dust in the machine, fake HDRi with Google Pixel and creating height+gloss maps for the Pi(I thought that project was finished)
Year 2017 summary
January 2017 blend notice, tongue injury and Florida - brief
February 2017 Christmas animation, blending 2D VSE and Amazon S3 nobbles with Pebble Time
March 2017 Blender Christmas tutorials x 8, two minute tentacle, old Moto G and new Pixel Really Blue
April 2017 Raspberry Pi 3 model updates and scamming the slow scammers
May 2017 Raspberry Pi 3 model updates, virtualBox networking and ranting on scammers
June 2017 Joes panic button robot challenge, Alex in the bath with a viral moon, bcrypt investigation, JSR/JGR 16 year 64bit update and wacom not happy
July 2017 Joe's robot challenge and a small coding error
August 2017 Tripple buffer, outlook registry passwords, 2016 review, kanban free and procedural blender wood
September 2017 Easy Ubiquity and Raspberry Pi 3 model updates
October 2017 Blender glowing deconstructing world, blender python select script, blender VSE and Raspberry Pi 3 model updates
November 2017 Joe's Spain video, Printers/Chromebooks/Android/Wacom, blending waves and Raspberry Pi 3 model updates
December 2017 GoPro hacking, Claws mail, Dropbox bump, Mobile support, lost blog posts from 2015 and lots and lots of Raspberry Pi 3 model updates
Year 2016 summary
January 2016 Pi LCD and Skywriter with a bit about a DevOps manager
February 2016 Pi monitors upgraded/shrunk and where does the hdmi audio go?
March 2016 From the Raspberry Pi party to hosting part of the Cambridge science festival
April 2016 Booting a Pi 3 from a old Pi card and clipping a very cheap serial modem to a Raspberry Pi A
May 2016 Upgrading my PIR PI camera to listen to DropBox
June 2016 Everything is broken, even the NHS, but, it is not my fault
July 2016 Fighting Scottish trampolines and bleb-ing the Radio Times
August 2016 Virtual machines, Virtual reality and a damaged SD card
September 2016 Larger images for the flog, my Raspberry Pi VR scene and HTC Vive VR blogging
October 2016 2000 year old Yahoo and re-animating a 2011 sat nav
November 2016 Big royal reveal, with gimp tricks for a massive new Pi 3
December 2016 My Pi VR game with nicer backdrops
Year 2015 summary
January 2015 Pi 11hr kernel build and motherboard USB drive woes
February 2015 Create slowest webserver known to man
March 2015 Pi birthday swag torrent and kids take center stage
April 2015 Kindle, Joggler and Google calendar
May 2015 Node authenticated calendar and bug
June 2015 Kidsspot and pebble watch
July 2015 Mario mushrooms and Pi kiosk
August 2015 PIR power Pi camera DropBox hack
September 2015 Ramblings of a mad man
October 2015 Best Minecraft party and segfault investigation
November 2015 Blended hallween Windows Pi mirror
December 2015 Sarah's big break and some wave animation
Year 2014 summary
January 2014 KitKat sideloading woes and PiGlow blindness
February 2014 Four years of neglected archives and stepping up with the Pi
March 2014 Twin Pi motors, Windows 8.1 and hosted Umbraco
April 2014 2048 invetigations and jsfiddle backup explosion
May 2014 More HTML5 eyeballs than you can shake an eyeball at
June 2014 eyeballs eyeballs eyeballs ... eyeballs
July 2014 Taking android app security (moar)seriously and motioning to the Pi camera
August 2014 Impact of FireFox memory leak starts
September 2014 PiCON 2015 consumes kids and cat counters camera
October 2014 Wheel of Destiny released and FireFox memory leak continues to cause pain
November 2014 Attacking the FireFox memory leak with a vengance and timelapse shelf build
December 2014 RegEx madness, more motion and a free film
Year 2013 summary
January 2013 How to find your new Raspberry Pi
February 2013 Panic button, RaspBMC, USB keypad, Busby hacking, Angels and Demons PhotoSynth hack revealed
March 2013 USB temperature logging,Minecraft stairs on the Pi, 7 x Cory Doctorow and non HDMI Pi fun
April 2013 .... where do these go?
May 2013 github guide and so much wifi hacking it hurts
June 2013 pi problems, blame the psu, really!
July 2013 GPS enabling the raspberry pi
August 2013 Book reviews and my failures
September 2013 bing has secret powers, Teensy on Windows then Gentoo
October 2013 Teensy 3.0 the new shiny, soldering on(pun intended)
November 2013 Pi Matrix and the evolution of the Ghost animation.
December 2013 Moto G the most amazing Android phone ever!
Year 2012 summary
January 2012 Hacking, hating, failing, winning
February 2012 Finding XP viruses with Linux
March 2012 Windows virus fixing from Linux, TV work begins
April 2012 We don't need no stinking close button! oh wait, we do
May 2012 Content and TV Recipe
June 2012 Spams and hacks
July 2012 .... ahhhh...
August 2012 Duped by DVDs
September 2012 Dreamcast and Saturn get an airing
October 2012 .... hmmmm
November 2012 ATI watermark
December 2012 DVD RW(not), hacking and planing
Year 2011 summary
January 2011 Pinging and Mono LINQ
February 2011 Peg Solitaire completed! no details
March 2011 Peg Solitaire details and more details!
April 2011 .... ?
May 2011 HP printer/scanner working with Linux
June 2011 Frame-d
July 2011 1and1 are tunneling
August 2011 Linux OCZ SSD vs Intel SSD
September 2011 .... nope
October 2011 .... missing
November 2011 .... MIA
December 2011 .... try again next year
Year 2010 summary
January 2010 Record 20 posts, new Dext phone and many reviews
February 2010 Dext review, fighting Orange
March 2010 Binary watch app, lots of images
April 2010 Complete the binary watch app in time for replacement Dext
May 2010 Text adventure with a ... printer?
June 2010 Worldcup Map, Ubuntu known bugs, grr!
July 2010 UFO adventure v2 and a very hi-res 3D football
August 2010 Free iPad, lots of app reviews
September 2010 .... nothing
October 2010 .... nada
November 2010 .... balances the large number of posts
December 2010 .... earlier in the year
Year 2009 summary
January 2009 Walking around zubuntu
February 2009 snows on google fail
March 2009 hacking 3d goo
April 2009 *BURLURP*
May 2009 ....
June 2009 Brute force twitter jelly
July 2009 Lose weight to Wii and swine flu
August 2009 ubunutu powercut in 2004
September 2009 time is meainingless to kitkats
October 2009 bash bluebirds
November 2009 ....
December 2009 Moaning about Neal Stephenson's mobile network
Year 2008 summary
January 2008 Light saber (red)
February 2008 NSlu2 (aka the slug)
March 2008 chat☆
April 2008 First silverlight game - idoudo
May 2008 compiz on the 10 year old laptop
June 2008 Twitter visualiser twitternice (Silverlight)
July 2008 Gentoo *needs* python
August 2008 gbom
September 2008 Second silverlight game - Anagram Shark Attack
October 2008 cryptonomicon
November 2008 Face Monkey - Silverlight
December 2008 Password crack > 6 days
Year 2007 summary
January 2007 remote ssh X for the zaurus
February 2007 tag cloud revealed
March 2007 rss feed unvailed
April 2007 rushed to hospital
May 2007 Mono & ASP.NET
June 2007 keypic hacking begins
July 2007 krum is born
August 2007 topblock ported to windows
September 2007 Virtual earth and JavaScript
October 2007 usbmon and krum
November 2007 krum lives!
December 2007 gur bgure grnz vf purngvat
Year 2006 summary
December 2006 wii arrives,then does the rounds
November 2006 QEMU
October 2006 Alex enters the world: 3/10/2006 at 05:28 and weighed in at 9 pounds 7 ounces
September 2006 New f-log design
August 2006 talkingclock script
July 2006 Linux Pub Quiz
June 2006 topblock bug :(
May 2006 topblock is now part of the xscreensaver version 5 release
April 2006 mahjongg tile set builder script is released
March 2006 disk ripping video is finally posted.
February 2006 topblock v1.0.
January 2006 Sarah is pregnant
Year 2005 summary
December 2005 Lottery winner again !
November 2005 topblock
October 2005 Egypt
Spetember 2005 Ther was NO September ! (system crash)
August 2005 Sourceforge
July 2005 so-duku solver
June 2005 double width background
May 2005 Acupuncture
April 2005 LPI follow ups
March 2005 Certified LPI Level 1
February 2005 salt shaker
January 2005 --that KDE FIX--
2004 summary
December 2004 Cherry CyMotion Master Linux Keyboard
November 2004 water cooling dies
October 2004 Scuba diving in Tenerife
September 2004 wifi and shirtpocket
August 2004 debian sid
July 2004 Anime DVD splurge in USA
June 2004 car sold
May 2004 KDE and LDAP
April 2004 Water cooling
March 2004 Kitchen floods (twice)
Febuary 2004Kernel 2.6.2 plus the arival of the SV-3
January 2004Some sort of backup script
2003 summary
December 2003 kitten disruption
November 2003 led mod and
October 2003 microscope
September 2003silence vs heat
August 2003room modding
July 2003holiday
June 2003linux dvd fun round one
May 2003xscreensaver
April 2003file found
March 2003Completed Pikmin
Febuary 2003DVD player nuked
January 2003Say no to UK ID cards
2002 summary
Dec 2002 Case moded
Nov 2002 Case moded to neon but no
window yet, birth of the dvd stand
Oct 2002 Rez and Dark Summit, more
PSQL and I finaly post my firewall
September 2002 PostgresQL, Toy
Commader and an odd cartoon
August 2002 This months excuse,
selling house
July 2002 Games machines rule my
June 2002 I was on holiday for half of
this and then I tried to fix things, doh !!
May 2002 this file has been up all
month but I forgot the link here until the end
June, Doh !
April 2002 Loads missing due to
'network' problems :)
March 2002 (networking and lazyness
issues mean that the last 11 days were
Febuary 2002 (missed loads of
January 2002 (missed 1 day/s)