29 Nov 2004 20:12 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
29 Nov 20040 9:37 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Exam today, wish me luck !
27 Nov 2004 15:12 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Been playing Halo 2 online, very cool and absolutely ZERO lag !
26 Nov 2004 18:23 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Completed Halo 2 !!
25 Nov 2004 21:35 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
tried to get mplayer or ogle to play me a DVD and got
23 Nov 2004 21:21 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Oh, and Halo2 is taking to much of my time, if I fail the LPI exam I will blame that !
23 Nov 2004 21:20 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
I mentioned that I fixed the annoying (well to me) bug (uh hmm) in Firefox for tabs loading in the background.setting Firefox background loading tabs
22 Nov 2004 20:55 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
No updates for a while, blame Halo 2 !
13 Nov 2004 21:14 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
In other news I finished another book (not sure why it took so long) Steven Kings (yes him again) "Desperation", a classic king horror set in the a small desert town which has a few problems with ancient evil (don't they always ?). Great characters with gritty real world personalities, recommended !!
13 Nov 2004 16:20 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Good news is I have a new GFX card the bad news is I had to buy a new GFX card and then replace my new CPU with the old one.
10 Nov 2004 21:59 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Got to 5-6 level of Gish, can not work out this level at all though, there appears to be two switch on is obvious, it raises and lowers the floor and the other does nothing , except when first pushed it makes a thunk sound.
8 Nov 2004 20:46 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
I found Ross Brunson on the LPI mailing list and he happens to have published an up to date PI 101/102 guide, and my amazon order lands tomorrow, just need to finish up my current book, Steven Kings "Desperation", classic 'King' horror.
4 Nov 2004 22:04 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
And I have updated the History of the Machine with the latest shananagins.
4 Nov 2004 21:56 --
no distributed network project statistics for the mo
Well the LPI book was a bust, at four years old it is very out of date the new exam covers a lot more. Which is odd cos the book covers things you would expect a Linux administrator to know yet the new exam is stuff you would expect a Linux desktop support/builder to know ...
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