Story time ...
Once upon a time I had my zaurus
working fine then I moved rooms and the wireless AP
broke and I could not reconnect.
After buying a shiny
802.11G card from
ebay and finding it is not Linux compatible I went after another 802.11B card. Surprisingly this suffered the same fate, what ever settings I used and how ever the wifi AP was setup would not associate.
I was convinced that it was my wifi card that was the problem but it appears it might have been the chip set (not checked yet).
After much searching I found an upgrade for the WRT54G v5 at , but there was a warning at the top of the screen that the downloads were for US hardware only, please follow links to your own territory.
So I went to the UK part of the site and ... no upgrade, hmmmm, maybe its not compatible with the EU hardware.
Well, there in the support pages (I was looking for a link to complain) was a an URGENT you MUST upgrade to new firmware now message that (unsurprisingly) linked back the US only download.
Soooo, download upgrade, downloaded instructions but put off the upgrade.
It just so happens that while playing with the AP to get the new wifi (B) card to work with the zaurus we got new neighbors and the next day no wifi was working on any devices.
I dug around a little and found a new AP I had not seen before had been setup on channel 6 which was the channel I had been running my AP on since I got it, everyone else around here has channel 11 (and that is the default when I reset my setup).
So I figured the problem was with the new AP knocking my system off the air... good excuse to run the upgrade.
Before running the upgrade I took screen shots (thanks to kscreenshot) of each of the web based configuration screens as one of the steps for an upgrade is to lose all your settings.
Run upgrade an followed instructions to reboot via the REBOOT option in the administration page, system came up and showed the new version v10.10 and I set it to use channel 1.
None of the windows based wifi systems would connect, setup Linux and the wifi seemed to work but no internet after associating with AP, then I noticed the windows clients would connect but only for a few seconds and on closer investigation this was the same case with the Linux setup.
I quick
google and lots of people were have a similar issue, suggestion to reboot the AP via the hardware button on the back.
After rebooting via the hardware button and setting yet another channel (just in case) and switching the default IP address, adding all the MAC addresses etc everything works, yes, even the zaurus.