So another month goes buy <waves>
After failing to get Sarah interested in Black&White I decided to restart it myself.
This time I chose the Ape (the damn Tiger kept eating people !) and he leaves cool foot prints ;) and does not seem to eager to eat people.
The game is something else and it is garentied to magically take time away from you, minutes become hours.
But this does not mean it is perfect ! the loading times are the worst considering the speed of my HDD/s and CDROM drives.
I really enjoyed the first Island you start on, lots to do and see, lots of missions and you can take the game at any pace you like, seemed like the perfect game.
But I am seriously going off B&W
The second Island is the opposite, constant wars and your people constantly nagging about one thing or another, is this C&C ?
I have not given up on it yet but two specific events occurred that soured my view.
First there was the ape in the town and I noticed he was kicking the side of a building, so I slapped him about a bit so the meeter read BAD BOY, but then he did it again and I chastised him and he did it again.
After I got really annoyed I realized that he was possibly trapped (although he seemed to have had no problem in the past) and after destroying one building he was free and happy.(I think there was loads of room to get past the buildings !)
Second was much worse, I took the Ape (I call him Ape-ee) and went and attacked the enemy god, I did not want to but the game was constantly bugging me :(
Started the fight and noticed the fight arena was over a large flat building, and everything slowed down.
Forty Five mins later and we had gone from six seconds a frame to a steady one frame per second. I think the physics engine may have been looping with the elements of the gibbed building constantly finding one balancing on another and so on.
After it finished I saved and exited and that is another thing the auto save does not happen when you are doing nothing NOOO it happens when you are just picking up or dropping something in a specific place and the auto save kills (loses) whatever you have in your hand even if it was the most important thing in the world !!
Enough of that I unpack the tar gz of the PostgresQL 7.2.2 and noticed my current one was 6.5.3, no wonder it did not have the functions I needed :p
I read the install docs and realized that I did not have the default install it expected.
they expected everything in /var/lib and I had stuff in /var/usr
and they wanted gmake not make, after trying to download gmake I realized (checked version info) that the normal Linux make IS gmake (gnu-make), doh!
after installing the paths were screwed up (which was good because it gave me a chance to backup my data), I tried to manually move everything but that failed.
I went back and reinstalled with the correct configure flags for the directories I wanted to use, but some thing still went in the wrong place and I still ended up running the old version !!
So I moved the directories to .OLD and sym linked everything
ln -s /usr/local/pgsql /usr/lib/postgresql
cool, but now the postgres user had issues as no paths were set, after some googling and reading about users and permission I setup a profile and I could start the server.
Step one logon locally and check it is the new server, check!
Step two run the asp code on the windows machine and check connection, failed ...
Helps if I restore the data first, oh and recreate the database for it to live in AND recreate the user GRANT necessary permissions
Step two run the asp code on the windows machine and check connection, check!
Step three use the formating functions in ASP, check !!!
step four relax, check !
Only then I get dragged to a computer fair (ok, so I was not kicking and screaming, but I had my misgivings).
Loads of cool stuff, mainly motherboards and chips, but they had a couple of MEGA cool cases, the only thing I was looking for was missing from ever stall, water cooling kits/sets.
And just when I thought all was lost I found a desk with American DVDs for sale, with a selection of ANIME :)
After much soul searching (and wallet searching) I ended up purchasing two, Hyper Police and FLCL.
I watched FLCL today, I have not seen Hyper Police yet.
FLCL is weird and I say that literally and I have seen hundreds of odd animes, let me give you a run down.
Boy girl1, boy girl1 girl2, boy hit by guitar of girl2 on her yellow moped, boy grows horn, horn gives birth to robot with TV for a head (oh and a giant hand), then erm well some more weird stuff happens.
This could easily have been unwatchable but the weirdness keeps pulling you back in and the direction and style is very good, I watched it in Japanese the English and then with directors commentary, its that good.
Some scenes are reminisant of Blue Blue or Macross Plus, while others are like Yatsura Urusei or Project AKO or Dominion Tank Police, I want more !!
and it is very funny !
Oh and to add my view on the dubious http://www.fairplay-campaign.co.uk/ do not do it think about the children, oh wont someone think of the children !!
(if games cost to much people would not buy them, why not want a month until they go down in price ??)
Ah and you should have noticed I updated my stats script to now show my score from http://folding.stanford.edu/
have some random links
http://www.fearofphysics.com/ - fun physics through feeeeaaarr !!
http://mooix.net/ - you know mooS and you know Unix what if they were one ???
http://www.linuks.mine.nu/lesbian/ - lesbian Linux, giggle, giggle
http://www.arctic.uoguelph.ca/cpe/environments/land/magpole/magpole.htm - not the north pole but the magnetic pole
http://www.backyardartillery.com/machinegun/ - The Incredible Rubberband Machine Gun!
http://www.counterart.com/hiband/html/digerati.html - a webcounter connoisseur, to large for words ....