Welcome to a brief rundown of the stuff that I entered into my flog in the year 2018

(And this is a rip of last years page, which was a rip of the years before, etc etc) which means no CSS and loads of tables ;)

Jan when auto blending 3 becomes 4 on github
i claim no part in writting big bad blender code
copy and paste blender with a sprinkling of python
command line avalanche only way to link script blender
3x beefed up blender pi command line pipeline
auto smooth is the anti pro smooth i have been looking to blend
what the tag or failure for all
jet set radio random vmu blast from the past mystery
blender fail companion cube
distracted star growth blendering
xmas 2017 Blender better late than never
a 2017 yearly review in january what
Feb huge 3d printing tiny hat error
salmonella ate my weaks
oh dear what can the frame be
Mar spoof pi video sequence breakdown
old blender video spoof
the slow glass man
HP Pavilion dv9000 treated to a new ubuntu life via dd
FCC and TP Link conspire to create ewaste TL-WR841N v12
pi plus update video for pi plus plus update
pi cluster super computer woh ha ha
I can have it made in solid gold
Apr did super metroid defeat me or i it
long xbox causes raspberry to metroid it up
failed to stop ruins my front end
blueprint preview for raspberry 3 model b
bow to the pibow zero w colour coded failure
May microsoft destroy all humans again
the devil is in the details
suzannes pulsating monkey brain
apple rants external displays into 10.13.4
would it help if i got out and pushed
Jun stuff and youtube nonsense in the Savannah
Jul ffmpeg saves another blender video
do not celebrate until it is too pi
frame 289 so far
raspberry pi cooking taking longer than expected
Sun dog millionaire
a true ping returns instantly
a nation of light blenders for superman
breath of the wild took my breath away and i want it back
Aug dali persistence of pie minus the pis
knifing the raspberry to get a bent lattice pi
bent pi floats non-manifold chips in the most delightful way
auto smoothing experimentation causes disabling correct reporting
attempted smooth attack with a blender pi
de-modifing the pi with outliner
mitigated a sticky mouse situation under the sun
lucky rigid bucket settle for proxy pis
fake pi real physics looks ok in miniature
blender physics cheat test in 5 4 3 2 1
Sep The grand unfurling of blue pi
empty ebook hack takes over
poc blue page curl animation
kids try and microwave house
the persistence of good enough
Oct pi update what has bmw got the raspberry for
linux pries open the seedy windows underbelly wtf rtf
Nov moar blender physics videos
live pi really
you disolved what limited
who is blocking the project me me me
Dec oh dear what can the glossy be
krita luminance quick tip
fake hdri from a blue pixel gimp curve
gifted lightmine craves sd card phone adaptor
metal map hampered by saturation bleed as expected
selecting a height map of Pi paint
xmas early with delays paid for by amazon coins
a dust machine eats zombie drives
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In fact I'm not responsible for anything ever, so there!