My Moto G awesome
Android phone has finally bitten the dust after 4 years. Charging it required a specially adapted cable and two rubber bands. The cable had two tiny metal brackets supper glued to anchor the rubber bands that held the power cable in the phone. Nothing else would would work!
I had tired multiple cables, had different people look at it including other Moto G owners. I had tried cleaning the socket, used jewels lens and found nothing. No obvious obstruction or bent component.
What I would love to talk about is my replacement phone the
Google Pixel 32GB Really Blue (that's the model name "Really Blue"). But instead I need to note down that setting up the Pixel to use my Pebble Time watch has been annoying.
The transfer software did a good job of pulling all my apps expect for Fdroid across but of course they were missing the settings. Got all of updated manually and tried to get the Pebble app to sync. Eventually worked out that I need to kill the Bluetooth on the old phone, that was in range.
All looked good except my favourite watch face Enigma was nowhere to be seen even though lots of the custom ones I had were. Tried a few times to set it in the app and keep getting back "No internet connection". But I could go on to the Pebble store and select new watch faces and apps!
Turns out that
Amazon S3 is down for most of the internet and that is where Pebble store the package files :(
Was getting very worried that Pebble/FitBit were not honouring their promise of keeping all the servers alive until the end of 2017 (at the minimum).