Toilet-roll security camera is in the process of being rebuilt with a Pi Zero.
First I get the correct image from Lite has no GUI and is perfect for a headless project like this.
then to write to the SD card we either
unzip raspios_lite_armhf_latest
Archive: raspios_lite_armhf_latest
inflating: 2020-05-27-raspios-buster-lite-armhf.img
then, as root
dd bs=4M if=2020-05-27-raspios-buster-lite-armhf.img of=/dev/sdd status=progress conv=fsync
/dev/sdd is the SD card on my machine, may be different on yours)
unzip -p raspios_lite_armhf_latest | dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdd status=progress conv=fsync
/dev/sdd is the SD card on my machine, may be different on yours)
and you want to reference the drive/card not a partition on the drive.
once the image is written to the SD card
mount the
boot partition and enable
mount /mnt/sdd1
touch /mnt/sdd1/ssh
sync;umount /mnt/sdd1
sdd1 is the
boot partition on the SD card on my machine, may be different on yours)
mount /mnt/sdd2
cp wpa_supplicant.conf /mnt/sdd2/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
echo "piserver" >> /mnt/sdd2/etc/hostname
piserver is the name for your new installation and the
wpa_supplicant.conf is a copy of the wifi settings from another working machine.
put the card in Pi and power it up. Then from another machine
ssh pi@piserver.home
sudo raspi-config
Navigate to
enable interfaces and
ssh into your pi and test the camera
raspistill -o cam.jpg
The light on the camera flashes when the picture is in the process of being taken.
scp'd the file off the Pi to view it and ...
Pink, very pink !?
I can find a number of discussions around IR filters, but I have not changed anything since this camera was taking pictures with the previous Pi.
Turns out that in the
process of enabling the new GPU in the Pi 4 Pi Noir broke :( - well, became overly pink.
I tested with the special parameter
-awb greyworld
raspistill -awb greyworld -o cam.jpg
Which worked perfectly
and then fixed it permanently by adding
/boot/config.txt and rebooting
and now
raspistill -o cam.jpg
produces the expected, not so pink image.
The Pi Noir camera images are always a little off in colour, due to their sensitivity to IR light.
Next add the PIR sensor...