After this demonstration I will explain how the modelling, animation, textures and video editing is all done in blender
There are three textures, the cloud, the toon texture and the wire texture.
The animations were rendered in 4 parts, the cloud taking 48 hours at 19 20 by 10 80.
The toon taking 10 hours at 19 20 by 10 80.
the wire taking 24 hours at 19 20 by 10 80.
and finally the composite taking under half an hour.
Notice how the amplitude of the wave is decreasing until there is no movement.
We will start by re-scaling the default cube.
This will form our cloud.
By adding a sub surf modifier the cube is made more and more rounded.
Set both the View and Rendered values to 4.
Apply the modifier and set the mesh smooth.
Now add a Wave modifier.
Set the animation life to 250.
Set the speed to 0 point 0 1.
Set the width to 0 point 2 5.
Finally set the height to 10.
then, add another sub surf modifier to make the result smoother, this one is set to 2.
We can now see the wave.
These wave values were found by trial and error and only match the specific scaling on our default cube.
If you scale the cube with different values, then the wave speed and amplitude will not match.
The animation is uniform, we want it to be animated so that the wave decreases.
At frame 1, hover over the height box and press i to create a key frame.
Then, at frame 200 and 50 set the height value to 0 and press i to create a key frame.
The height value can be seen decreasing to 0 as the animation progesses.
Make sure you are in the cycles render engine.
then set up the screen layout with a render view, at the bottom of the screen and a node view at the top.
You will be able to see the render update as the material nodes change.
Create a new material and click, use nodes.
We will start with the default diffuse B S D F material.
Zoom in with the mouse wheel and make space by moving everything to the right.
Add a colour ramp from the converter menu.
Add three new colour points by using the plus sign.
You can manauly move them about so they are evenly spaced out.
Then set each point to be a bright colour.
You can of course use any colours but we are going for a rainbow type effect.
I often want a rainbow colour ramp to clearly show how colours are going to affect objects.
It maybe worth spending time creating an add on or a python script to generate these for me.
Once the colours are specified, connect the colour ramp node to the diffuse B S D F node.
The object will be coloured by the middle colour from the colour ramp.
0 point 5.
We want the value to change based on the textures location on the object.
The default generated coordinates will do.
Add a texture coordinate node from the input menu and connect it.
Now the rainbow effect can be seen on the cloud object.
By adding a gradient texture from the texture menu the we can get a better result.
To rotate the texture.
add a mapping node, from the vector menu.
We can control the scale and location from here.
and by manipulating the zed rotation value we can see the texture rotate.
To animate the value.
set the zed value to, minus 90.
then set the frame to 1, and hover over the zed the value, press i to add a key frame.
set the current frame to 200 and 50 change the zed value to 90 degrees and press i to add a key frame.
we can now clearly see the animation interprelating the values between minus 90 and 90.
Now let us add the cloud texture.
Add a mix shader from the shader menu.
from the shader menu, connect a volume absorbtion shader node to the top mix shader connector.
from the shader menu, connect a volume scatter node to the bottom mix node connector.
Connect this mix node to the volume connector on the material output node and disconnect the diffuse B S D F shader.
This gives us the cloudy ness.
Connect the colour output from the colour ramp to both the colour inputs of the volume nodes.
The cloud is a bit grey so let us increase the lighting.
Select the lamp click, use nodes.
increase the strength to 500.
select the world icon in the tools and set the colour to black.
by scrubbing through the animation we can see the rainbow texture rotating, on, and with in the, now volumetric, cloud mesh.
how ever, it is still a bit to dark.
there is no ambient light from the background.
we can try changing the lamp strengh to 800.
but purhapse a sun lamp type would work better.
800 is to strong for a sun lamp.
change the value to 10.
that is much better.
The toon material is the easiest to create.
Make room in the node layout.
add the toon shader from the shaders menu and using its defaults.
connect colour from the colour ramp to the colour input on the toon shader.
connect the B S D F to the material output surface input.
disconnect the volume.
The toon shader creates some stunning visuals with high contrast shadows and colours.
It produces a vibrant affect with our rainbow cloud wave.
The result looks almost flat as watch the colours move across the animating cloud mesh.
to create the wire slash ribbons material we need to mix a colour and transparent source.
add a mix node and connect it to the material output node.
we cannout use the colour ramp output directly so connect the B S D F to the top connector on the mix node.
now add a transparent shader from the shaders menu and connect it to the bottom connector on the mix node.
currently the this will just make a semi transparent material.
add a wave texture from the textures menu.
connect the output from the texture mapping node to the vector input on the wave texture node.
add a new colour ramp from the converter menu and connect the wave node to it.
connect the colour output to the factor on the mix node.
you can already see stripes appearing on the mesh.
by moving the black and white default colour points in the colour ramp node we can define the size of the ribbons.
adding addition colours would have no effect as we are just taking the brightness a value to affect the mix node factor.
this ribbon affect allows us to see through the object as if the gaps between the ribbons where holes in the mesh.
if we review the animation, the colour rotation and wave animations still play nicely with the ribbons in place.
the ribbons as they exist at the moment are a bit fuzzy.
lets fix that now.
the gradient between the black and white points in the colour ramp node is the problem.
by moving the two colour points closer together we reduce this and thus the ribbons become sharper.
finally we are going to review the video composition rather than create it from scratch.
this blender session is set to the blender internal renderer.
each video has been loaded into the video editor and has had various effects applied.
these have been grouped into meta strips and collapsed so all you can see are the main sections.
you can expand a meta strip with, tab.
here is the mix of the three rendered material types, with differing transistion wipes applied.
here is the first wipe transition affect.
it is set to a transition type of, double.
this produces the expanding, door affect, revealing the next video.
positioned above the first in the strip layout.
next the transition type is iris, that creates an increasing hole, revealing the next video.
the blur width can be changed to make the transition smooth or sharper.
we then repeat the iris wipe transition, but allow it to reveal the next video below the last.
and finally, another wipe transition type of double.
remember this is all happening with in a meta strip.
tab out of this strip and we will look at the next meta strip.
this meta strip has only one video and one effect.
the effect scales the video to 1 third its original size and translates it to the top left corner.
the final video out put has two of these.
the second one also scales to 1 third the original size, but translates to the top right.
The three meta strips combine to make the final video, with its three source files split, and combined to make the final composition.
The voice over you have been listening to is simply the out put from the linux e speak program saved as wav file and.
you guessed it.
combined within blender.
we will end with the three original video results.
while (true); do date >> ~/temp/; ping -c 1 android-243f580de23000a8.home >> ~/temp/;sleep 1m; done
flog archives
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